Thursday, August 27, 2009

my besday 27 august 2009

erm today is ma besday..
but x ley celebrate cz pse..xpe berkat..
like usual ma besday will celebrate when raya up coming
lg meriah like my mom say..
hhahaha whatever mama,aslkn my besday korang celebrate..
erm sharp 12 pm...inbox msj ku sudeh pnuh..
byk sgt msj msok wish ma besday.
erm mmg happy n terharu cz dorng igt kt aq
erm yg plg best ble org yg aq syg wish ma besday.
hahaha terharu nyerk
tq dear..syg kamoo.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

mAlam asteK 09

sume dak asrama teknik mmg xsaba tggu mlm astek
astek nie sbnarnyer nme penuh dye malam asram teknik atau dikenali
sbg astek
erm mmg best mlm 2
sume kai bju cntik2..smart2 r dak2 laki time 2
de best mmemory at technic..
nie pic2 mlm astek

the first ramadhan,the last couple ever..

the best thing 4 umat islam in the world is ramadhan..
best dpt smbut bln pse thn nie,2 mknenyer
umo aq msih pnjg
22/8/09 erm nie trik aq break ngn apiz..
hari first pose,n ari teakhir ngn dye..
myb kiteorg xsmpat nk smbut besday aq,smbut raye sme2..
but so k..
myb de yg terbek lg untuk i...insyallah..